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Subject Areas

High quality transcription is characterized not only by an ability to listen and comprehend diverse technical terms, but also by an ability to collect relevant information. With over three years experience in providing transcription services and with an even more experienced team of transcribers, Cripton has developed expertise in a variety of subject areas and transcription types.

Some of our past assignments>>

Conferences/Symposiums/Workshops Interview Transcription
Presentations Lectures/Speeches
Media Transcription Medical Transcription
Focus Group Transcription Music
Single-Speaker Seminars Multi-Speaker Seminars


Participants at international conferences or international symposiums gather from all over the world. Hence, each speaker has an accent peculiar to their nationality. You can rely on Cripton as we have extensive experience in transcribing English with different accents. We have also transcribed for various important international conferences. In the past, we have often handled extremely urgent requests. The transcribed document has been sent to the client within a few hours. We have the required skill set and expertise for urgent and specialized tasks such as these.

a) International Academic Societies Conferences: Medical related (Cancer/Diabetes/Psychology etc.)/Science and Engineering/Education related.

b) International Symposiums: Corporate Symposiums (Software companies etc)/Medical related (Dentistry Society etc.)

c) Business Conferences: Internal conferences, conference calls, business meetings, board meetings, various areas of corporate conferences.

d) Q&A sessions and discussions after conferences
Interview Transcription

Cripton has a lot of experience in transcribing for a variety of styles of interviews and discussions:

Marketing and research interviews
Student research interviews
Oral history interviews
Telephone interview
Recruitment interviews

Presentations (Video/Audio)

Audio or video recordings at academic society presentations or corporate presentations for new product release. We have transcribed recordings for a large variety of fields from new drug presentation to new software presentation.

Various academic society presentations
New product release presentations
Corporate annual results presentation
Presentation at Corporate Training
Training Cassette Transcription


If you wish to circulate the transcript of an English speech made by the president or the management, if you wish to keep a presentation made at your company training as a document, or if you wish to include the speech of the invited guests in the university newsletter, Cripton will take care of these requirements while you can use your time constructively.

Company Management Speech
Results Presentation Speech
Invited guests speech
Management Gurus

Media Transcription

Please rely on Cripton for transcription for product promotions, corporate commercials, news and interviews on TV or Radio.

Video commercials
Audio commercials
News and interviews
TV/Radio Show Transcription
Documentary Transcription
Medical Transcription

Medical correspondence
Psychiatric evaluation
Interview and research
Pharmaceutical drug making procedures

Focus Group Transcription

Focus Groups can be university students, medical professionals, market research, legal and property professionals. Basically focus groups are persons discussing an issue or issues.

Types of discussions include:

Roundtable discussions
Focus groups
Group discussions
Drug advisory board meetings
Brainstorming sessions
Strategic planning sessions
Surveys and market research


We have handled English lyrics transcription.
Single speaker seminar

A host introduces the speaker. The speaker gives a lecture followed by discussion with the audience.
Multi speaker seminar

 A host introduces a team of speakers. A panel of speakers talk and take questions from the audience.

Read more about our specialized subject areas>>
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