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Privacy Policy

We understand the importance of safeguarding your personal information and intellectual property and strictly adhere to our privacy policy. We commit that we follow laws relating to the protection of personal information based on the following policies:

Clear statement of purpose for use of personal information

Your personal information is required for the following purposes, and it will be used for purposes other than those listed below only after obtaining your consent.  

  1. For delivering the content of your request.
  2. For delivering documents, such as bills, to you.
  3. For requesting you to fill out a questionnaire to ascertain your satisfaction level after you have used our service.
  4. For providing necessary after-sales service.
  5. For providing information on other services provided by Cactus Communications. (Cripton is one of the service brands of Cactus Communications.)

Management of personal information

We prevent information disclosure or duplication by adopting stringent security measures.

All our transcribers sign a privacy clause to guarantee the integrity of your data.

In addition, your information and content is only handled by individuals who are responsible for providing the service you are availing of.

We maintain security via the following methods:

  1. All online transactions are conducted using a secure 128-bit SSL encryption signed by VeriSign. Since all the information is encrypted, it will not be accessible to unknown parties. For details on security and encryption, please visit
  2. All our computers are equipped with firewalls and anti-virus software. This protects our systems (and thus yours) from virus attacks.
  3. All incoming and outgoing e-mails are scanned for viruses.

Information disclosure to third parties

Under no conditions is your personal information disclosed to third parties without your consent. However, please note that exceptions will be made in legal matters that require the disclosure of information to credit card companies or governments.

Verification, revision, and deletion of personal information

Whenever corresponding with clients, we verify their identity by cross-checking it against our existing records. If we find the client information to have changed or failing to match, we either update our records or delete the old information, based on your recommendation.


While Cripton takes all reasonable care while transcribing documents, the ultimate responsibility for the meaning and use of the document rests entirely with the client.

Also, Cripton disclaims liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from use of the transcript.


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