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Cripton's 7-Step Process for transcription service delivery.
1. Inquiry

You can contact us through the Get Quote form on our website.

2. Quotation

We send you a no-obligation quotation within one hour (during business hours).

3. File Transfer

For clients who have digital files For clients who have Cassette Tape/VHS/MD/DVD
We will send you a secure direct upload link of our extranet facility. Please send your tape to one of our Cripton Operations Division and we will convert the tape into mp3.
If you have a reference document, you can either upload it together with your file or email it to If you have reference document, please email it to

4. Execution

After we receive the file, the assignment is allocated to our in-house transcriber who is specialized in that particular subject area . The transcript undergoes two levels of checks in detail. All transcripts are transcribed and rechecked word to word by the transcriber and quality checked by a proofreader to ensure they conform to our quality standards.
5. Delivery

We deliver the final transcript to the client by e-mail. We assure delivery by the committed deadline.

6. Post-delivery communication

If you have any questions or queries, we answer them for free

7. Payment

We send an invoice in a PDF format within one week after the transcript has been delivered. We allow flexible payments. The payment methods can be checked here.
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