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Transcription Fees

Fees and Turnaround Time

Fees for English transcription

The fee for English transcription depends on a number of factors such as level of transcript required, length of audio, etc. The fee is charged on per minute basis and not per hour. All components of the fees are clearly explained at the beginning of the assignment and only after your confirmation, do we start work. The total fee is based on the original audio length and there is no possibility of any change thereafter.

Fees per hour of Audio
Level I Transcript Level II Transcript
USD 80 USD 120

Turn around time

The default turnaround time is 2 working days per 60 minutes of audio. However, in case you desire a faster turnaround time, please feel free to write to us at

Levels of Transcript

Level I

After initial transcription, the transcriber listens to the entire file and reads the transcript word for word, correcting any typos, unclear words, errors or omissions.

Level II

The audio is transcribed by a senior experienced transcriber well versed in the relevant field. A Senior Editor then reviews the transcript line by line, word by word against the audio to ensure validity of the data, providing 100% quality assurance.

Free Trial Service

For new clients, Cripton offers a no-obligation free trial transcription service for 10 minutes of audio recording. Please submit your request from this page stating [Sample Transcription Request] in the comments column. Our client servicing team will contact you with information regarding file upload. We will transcribe the first 10 minutes and deliver it to you free of charge so that you can experience our service and confirm Cripton's transcript quality.

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