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File Formats

Cripton handles various recording formats in both digital as well as analog files. We are equipped to transcribe a variety of digital formats such as DSS, WAV, MP3, MPEG, MOV, and analog formats such as Mini, Micro and standard cassette formats, VHS video, CD/DVD, mini discs, and more.

We can transcribe from any source listed below, but would prefer digital files in comparison to analog files. By sending digital audio you save money on postage (including return postage of your original recordings, if required) and tape conversion charges. The work can be started quicker as the audio reaches us the same day.

With the help of special sound-editing software, we are sometimes able to improve the quality of audios that are poorly recorded.

The audio formats we handle are:

Digital Formats

After saving it on your PC, you can upload the digital file directly to the secure extranet facility of our company.

We accept the formats mentioned below:

Voice file: MP3, MP2, WAV, WMA, AVI, VOX, RM, Streaming Media

Video file: WMV, MPG, MPEG, MOV, ASF; IC Recorder: MSV (Sony), DVF (Sony), DSS (Olympus)

In case you find it difficult to upload the files to our extranet, we will do it for you. Please send your CD to one of the Cripton Operations Division offices. In such case, an extra charge is applicable.

Tips on digital recording

Cassette Tape, MD-DVD-VHS

(After you send the file to the operations divisions of our company, we convert the file to a digital format)

Please send your cassette tape, MD-DVD-VHS tape by post or courier to any one of our Cripton Operations Division offices.

The analogue tape and the MD-DVD-VHS are disposed according to our Privacy Policy, but if you wish to receive the data back, an extra charge is applicable for postal fee.

We can give you the converted MP3 file free of cost upon request. Please contact

In you have questions regarding file formats other than the ones listed above, please write to

You can convert your analog tape to a digital file by yourself. For this you will need to buy a shareware. It is a one-time investment and you will not incur any other additional expenses thereafter. However, this is recommended only if you use transcription services frequently. Please inquire for further details.

Tips on analog recording


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