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Levels of Transcription Service and Turnaround Time

Service Description Standard delivery time per hour of audio
Verbatim Transcript This service is useful for an accurate representation of the audio. Transcription is done as closely as possible. 1-3 working days
Reader-Friendly Transcript As part of this service, changes include removing, partial words, stuttering “ahs” and “ums”, and repeated words. We also perform basic spelling and punctuation checks to generate transcripts that are reader-friendly. Cripton offers a Reader-Friendly transcript as its default transcript. 1-3 working days
Transcription + Summarization Level I In this service, the reader-friendly transcript is edited for grammar, sentence construction and word usage. We strongly recommend this service if the transcribed information is to be translated or circulated and is meant for internal/external use by clients, vendors, partners, etc. Word reduction up to 10% 5 working days
Transcription + Summarization Level II Large portions of the transcribed text are edited using new words if required, varying the sentence construction, and eliminating redundancies. Word reduction between 25% to 50% 6 working days
Transcription + Summarization Level III Abstract/Summary based on the client's specific requirements. Based on client's requirement
Note: We can also undertake urgent transcription assignments as per your required deadline. Please send your query to

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