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"Summarization is a brief version of a text and usually includes only the most important ideas. Examples and information that is not very essential are usually not included in a summary."

 Why summarization?

Interviews, lecturers, seminars, meetings, discussions, speeches, conferences, workshops etc. do contain irrelevant data which does not require documentation. By summarizing the transcript, the clients will have a reader friendly document which they can use for their desired purpose.

Cripton can edit the literal, verbatim transcription into an easily understood summary where the speaker's meaning is clear. We offer everything from a simple verbatim transcript of your document to a complete editorial and re-writing service, making alterations where appropriate without changing the meaning of the original transcript. We can provide you with any length of documents, from a verbatim transcript to an abstract/summary. Instead of editing and rewriting a verbatim transcript yourself, trust the specialist in summarization service to write the document you want.

Following are the some of the areas where summarization service is required:

Clinical Trials, Case studies, Medical reports
Business reports/ Magazines
Newsletter/Press release

Levels of Summarization
  LEVEL I (Word Reduction Edit) LEVEL II (Native English Edit) LEVEL III (Customized Summary)
Service description The transcript is made concise by reducing 10% of words

Repeated words and phrases are deleted

Nonrelevant remarks are removed.

The transcript is made reader-friendly

Basic grammar and punctuation is corrected

Spellings are checked
The transcript is made concise as per the word reduction requirements(10-30%)

Repeated words and phrases are deleted.

Nonrelevant remarks are removed

The transcript is made reader-friendly.

Basic grammar and punctuation is corrected

Spellings are checked

The language in the transcript is changed to native English

Advanced grammar and punctuation is checked

Sentence construction is enhanced

Logic and flow is checked

Word choice is improved
Abstract/summary based on client's specific requirement
Final output A concise, reader-friendly transcript. A concise, native English transcript. A summary/abstract that is ready to be printed or published.
When to use Records and references

Records and references

Publishing and printing

Publishing and printing

Who should use All users (individuals as well as organizations) Translation agencies, medical research companies, software companies, institutions, government organizations

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